Personalized Cleanse Package

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Welcome! I’m so thrilled you are visiting to learn more about my ongoing Conscious Living Cleanse.

This lifestyle cleanse is a simple and informative way to experience some of the wellness routines that I have been cultivating and practicing for years. This “work” will be done at home so you can integrate at your own pace. You will receive most of the information such as recipes, cleansing manual and more through both a printable documents and personal e-mails. The manual will contain shopping lists, food guidelines, meal plan templates, recipes, Ayurvedic basics, and more.

To prepare for your journey we will schedule an initial consultation to help you personalize your cleanse. This will be a 20 minute call that will take place after I review your wellness questionnaire.

The cleanse begins with a 3-5 day Ayurvedic kitchari cleanse to give your digestion a chance to heal and rejuvenate. Next you will follow a mostly plant based diet that will help reset your system, prevent disease, and establish new habits.  A re-calibration with your intentions will round off the experience and leave you with the confidence and knowledge to chose a diet that works for you moving forward. With over 400 hours experience with true Ayurvedic living I will be available to support and encourage your growth.

No experience in any of these avenues is required, just a willingness to learn and a commitment to re-aligning your habits to help serve your highest self :) More details below…but feel free to contact me with any questions or comments! Reserve your spot TODAY.


My experience with Heather’s Conscious Living Cleanse radically changed my perspective on how to nourish my body and my mind, and I learned new ways of cooking and even how to look at food and spices. It’s an experience that I’ll incorporate into my daily routines and cooking habits for years to come
— Winter Cleanser

What you will leave with:

  • an education on Ayurvedic principles and seasonal eating

  • reduced symptoms like brain fog, anxiety, digestive issues, and more

  • an increased awareness about your own lifestyle and dietary needs

  • clarity around your intentions and what you want to cultivate in your life

  • the framework for creating a more balanced life

Conscious Living Cleanse - Investment $200

Payment plans available upon request