Maintain stability during seasonal shifts...

As you know, the first day of spring (otherwise referred to as the vernal equinox in the northern hemisphere) is not a hard stop to winter. We don’t reach this day and then instantly trade our boots for sandals, and hot tea for smoothies. The time on either side of this date really marks the halfway point of ritusandhi which in ayurveda means the transition between the two seasons, and specifically 7 days before and after this date. This window can vary depending on where you live. Some climates shift on a more subtle level so there may not be a drastic change in the mental or physical bodies of those who live there. Here in Vermont however,  it can feel like an absolute roller coaster! One day it’s warm and sunny, the next a blizzard. If you live in a climate with extreme fluctuations ritusandhi could last up to a month! This is why it is essential for us to take special care during this seasonal junction. Rest more, eat well, and manage our energy with more attention. The consequences of rushing into any season may include lethargy, heightened anxiety, or even illness. 

There are some excellent ways that you can help support your mental and physical well being during this time! One of my favorites is a simple cleanse where you nourish your body instead of depleting it. Try consuming things like warm soups, broths, or kitchari for a few days to give your digestion a break. Focus on foods that are still warming but have a lighter quality like steamed bitter greens with ginger and lemon, or lighter grains like quinoa and basmati rice.

This is also an ideal time to return back to a simple dinacharya (daily ritual or routine) that may have slipped away during the end of winter. Things like gargling warm water in the morning for 30 seconds, using a neti pot, applying a few drops of nasya oil in each nostril a few times a day, and adding gentle skin brushing or abyangha to stimulate the lymphatic system and lubricate the skin can make a big difference and keep you feeling more stable as your external world undulates back and forth. 

Here are some of my favorite products for daily use and extra seasonal support. 

Nasya Oil - Infused with brahmi and eucalyptus. A few drops post-neti pot and pre-meditation to aid in clarity and extra protection for the nasal passages.

Abyangha Oil- A lovely tri-doshic (meaning suitable for most) oil infused with herbs. Use this on the body multiple times a week for improved sleep, joint support, calming and grounding, and great skin!

CCF Detox Digest Tea with ginger and turmeric - My go to for digestive support. This specific blend is lovely for spring. En JOY!

May you transition with ease and light into this new chapter, and reach out if you need any additional guidance!

Heather NeffComment